Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board



Request for Proposals (RFP)

The Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board, as fiscal agent for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds, periodically releases grants to assist employers and organizations to meet the workforce developments needs of the local area.

currently available RFPs:

Previous RFPs:





Request for Bids (RFB)

The Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board, as a WIOA fiscal agent, is responsible for implementing formal bidding procedures for certain services related to its workforce development efforts.

The following RFBs are available:
  • There are currently no RFBs available. Please check again later or follow us on social media for future updates.
Previous RFBs:



    REquest for quotes (RFQ)

    The Board asks entities to submit quotes on services or supplies.

    The following RFQs are available:

    We do not currently have any RFQs available at this time. Please check back soon!

    Youth Resources

    Current Youth Programs funded by the Westmoreland- Fayette Workforce Investment Board

    In-School Youth

    Central Westmoreland Career and Technical Center: Cyber Security Dual Enrollment – Westmoreland County
    CWCTC Computer Information Science senior students will have the opportunity to take dual enrollment cyber security classes while also participating in career awareness activities.

    Fayette County Community Action Agency: Agricultural Career Exploration – Fayette County
    A three-phased, two-week program offering Fayette County middle school students with opportunities to gain job readiness and career exploration within the local agricultural industry with elements of entrepreneurship, food processing, gardening, food preparation, and crop and livestock farming.

    German American Chamber of Commerce Pittsburgh Chapter: Pre-Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Program – Westmoreland County
    A pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship opportunity for local high school youth to gain relevant, paid experience in the industry of manufacturing.

    Greater Latrobe Partners in Education Foundation: NEXT Career Pathways Program – Westmoreland County
    A career readiness program for high school students to experience job shadowing, career fairs, guest speakers, mentorships, and more.

    Pittsburgh Chapter NTMF: SWPA BotsIQ’s Developing Manufacturing’s Future Workforce – Westmoreland & Fayette County
    An introduction to high priority advanced manufacturing and robotics careers for students in Fayette and Westmoreland Counties. Activities will include hands-on lessons, career exploration activities, and technical training.

    Pittsburgh Chapter NTMF: SWPA BotsIQ Post-Secondary Summer Internship 2023 – Westmoreland & Fayette County
    A paid internship program for young adults interested in the industry of manufacturing to receive work experience and complementary career readiness.

    Pittsburgh Chapter NTMF: Discovering Career Possibilities in Manufacturing – Westmoreland & Fayette County
    A career awareness program introducing youth to advanced manufacturing robotics careers, hands-on lessons, and career exploration activities.

    Private Industry Council of Westmoreland/Fayette, Inc.: Bring Your “A” Game – Westmoreland & Fayette County
    A career readiness camp for middle school students to prepare for their future careers through the “Bring Your ‘A’ Game” certification course.

    Private Industry Council of Westmoreland/Fayette, Inc.: CyberCamp – Westmoreland & Fayette County
    A career camp for middle and high school student to learn more about Cyber Security and develop employable skills.

    Private Industry Council of Westmoreland/Fayette, Inc.: Drone Education Program – Westmoreland & Fayette County
    A program for youth to obtain their own drone, receive drone education, participate in work experiences and field trips, and earn their Federal Aviation Association Part 107 Drone certification license.

    Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare: Engaging Youth in SeniorCare Professions – Westmoreland County 
    A one-year program beginning with a week-long summer immersion experience to career possibilities in senior care, followed by an employment opportunity through the school year for high school students.

    Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce: Leadership Westmoreland Youth Academy 2023 – Westmoreland County
    A five-day, leadership development program offering Westmoreland County high school students leadership skills training and career exploration opportunities.

    Out-of-School Youth

    Equus Workforce Solutions: Employment and Training Program – Westmoreland County
    A program for young adults interested in reaching both their employment and GED goals through employment venue options, job experience, soft skills, advanced training, and post-secondary institution/military assistance.

    Fayette County Community Action Agency: Bridge to Success – Westmoreland & Fayette County
    A program providing young adults with case management to support them in obtaining their GED, earning a certification of completion in skills training, and obtaining quality employment.

    Fayette County Community Action Agency: Nurse Aide Training Program – Fayette County
    A program designed to provide young adults with a CNA Certification through instructional hours, pre-employment workshops, nursing courses, clinical experience, job readiness, and case management support.

    Private Industry Council of Westmoreland/Fayette, Inc.: CDL Plus – Westmoreland & Fayette County
    A program for young adults to receive training and obtain their CDL Class A Driver’s License or a CDL Class A Driver’s License with HAZMAT and Tanker Endorsements.

    Applications and Other Source Documents Pertaining to Youth

    Experience Works! Works Experience Program Application

    The Experience Works! Work Experience Program improves local workforce and provides youth with valuable and paid work experience opportunities. It is designed for youth ages 15 to 24 who are interested in working with local for-profit and non-profit organizations from a minimum of 15 hours a week to a maximum of 40 hours a week.

    Learn more about the Experience Works! program by visiting your local PA CareerLink® center or emailing info@westfaywib.org.

    Experience Works! PLUS Post-Secondary Internship Program

    The Experience Works! PLUS Internship Program provides wages to students interning at unpaid internships. This program enables local employers to build a future workforce by giving post-secondary students the opportunity to explore career opportunities.

    The WFWIB is excited to annouce that it is accpeting applications for Experience Works! PLUS! Application materials and the program handbook can be found below. Completed application materials must be emailed to EWP@westfaywib.org.

    Learn more about Experience Works! PLUS here!

    Labor Market Information

    One of the hallmarks of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is making decisions based on customer need and data. The Board utilizes the following data sources for federal, state, and local Labor Market Information.

    PA Center for Workforce Information & Analysis (CWIA)
    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
    U.S. Census Bureau

    High Priority Occupations

    The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in partnership with Workforce Development Boards, targets training investments to High Priority Occupations (HPO). HPOs are job classifications that are in demand by employers, have higher skill needs and are likely to provide family-sustaining wages.

    For more information about HPOs, visit the Center for Workforce Information & Analysis’ (CWIA) webpage on HPOs here.

    For information about HPOs in Westmoreland and Fayette counties, download the 2024 HPO list here in Excel format.

    Westmoreland-Fayette Career Cluster Posters

    Take a look at the 12 Westmoreland-Fayette Career Cluster Posters! All wage and annual opening data provided in these posters are specific to the Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Development Area.

    Posters are provided by the PA Department of Labor & Industry. 


    Stevens Amendment
    The Stevens Amendment is a federal law found in H.R. 6157, Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Act 2019 and Continuing Appropriations Act 2019, Division B, Title V, Section 505. It requires funding information be included on all state and local government projects or programs using federal funds.

    PUBLIC LAW 101-166, SECTION 511 – open PDF, download RTF


    • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs are federally supported 100% by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $7,838,495.37 with $0 (0%) state, local and/or non-governmental funds.


    • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs are federally supported 100%  by the U.S. Department of Human Services as part of an award totaling $553,450.00 with $0 (0%) state, local, and/or non-governmental funds.

    PA CareerLink® (American Job Center)

    • The Westmoreland-Fayette PA CareerLink® One-Stop Centers are fully supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry through the U.S. Department of Labor as part of awards totaling $834,975.00 with 0% financed from non-governmental sources.

    Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC)

    • Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities is fully supported by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration is part of an award totaling $938,962.00, with $0 (0%) financed from non-governmental sources.


    Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board

    145 Pavilion Lane,
    Youngwood, PA 15697
    724.755.2145 | TTY: 724.925.3243

    Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board is an equal opportunity employer/program.

    Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For federal funding information, visit westfaywib.org/resources/.