Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board


PA CareerLink® is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

PA CareerLink® Westmoreland County at Youngwood

151 Pavilion Lane
Youngwood, PA 15697
Phone number: (724) 755-2330
TTY number: (724) 925-3243
Visit PA CareerLink® Westmoreland County at Youngwood’s webpage here.

PA CareerLink® Fayette County

119 Commonwealth Drive
Lemont, Furnace, PA 15456
Phone number: (724) 434-5627
TTY number: (724) 434-5761
Visit PA CareerLink® Fayette County’s webpage here.

PA CareerLink® Alle-Kiski

1150 Fifth Avenue, Ste 200
New Kensington, PA 15068
Phone number: (724) 334-8600
TTY number: (724) 334-8713
Visit PA CareerLink® Alle-Kiski’s webpage here.

Training Funds

Email us at info@westfaywib.org for more information on available training funds and opportunities for local employers!

On The Job Training (OJT)

OJT helps employers hire and train skilled workers! Employers can train workers in skills needed for full performance on the job and are eligible for reimbursement of 50% of a trainee’s wages. Employers benefit from efficient recruiting, targeted training, and assistance with training expenses.

Customized Training

Customized training is designed to meet the unique training needs of an employer or group of employers! Employers decide who will provide training, the curriculum used, and which workers will be trained. Employers benefit by retaining their workforce, and workers benefit from a new skillset.

Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)

IWT provides funding to employers to upgrade the skills of employers’ existing workforce. Such training is meant to assist with expansion, new technology, retooling, new services/product lines, and/or new organizational structuring, or to be used as part of a layoff aversion strategy.

Click below to open the WFWIB Employer Services Infographic!

Industry Partnerships

(Next Gen IP)

Industry Partnerships (IP) are business-led, industry-driven, and community-supported initiatives designed to help industries thrive and create opportunities for workers, students, and the community. Business drives the agenda, and public and community partners support solutions. IPs results in dynamic partnerships inviting diverse perspectives on how to meet community needs.

Logistics & Transportation

The WFWIB, in collaboration with the Private Industry Council of Westmoreland/Fayette Inc., received funding to support the Westmoreland-Fayette Logistics and Transportation Industry Partnership. This partnership focuses on addressing the needs of the regional transportation industry sector, specifically the need for a stronger infrastructure within the region and additional Commercial Driver Licensed employees. By convening, partners can discuss ways to expand the regional Transportation Industry residing within Westmoreland and Fayette Counties and the need for competitiveness. Additional priorities of this partnership include the need for incumbent worker skill development and business access to capital to assist with business expansion and growth.


The WFWIB’s Healthcare Industry Partnership, also known as the Healthcare Employment Ecosystem, is a regional initiative designed to prioritize the healthcare industry’s most critical challenges and be healthcare employer-driven. Industry partners participate in partnership discussions, join workshops and seminars, listen to guest speakers, gain information on available resources, and grow their network of partners. These efforts will ultimately lead to long-term growth and recovery for the local healthcare industry.

Take a look at our Healthcare Industry Partnership flyer for more information: open PDF

Sign up for the WFWIB’s Healthcare Industry Partnership Here!


The WFWIB’s Manufacturing Industry Partnership assists in the growth and rebuilding of the local manufacturing industry. As an initiative driven by manufacturing employers, the WFWIB’s Manufacturing IP provides opportunities for employers to convene, grow their network, and identify solutions and resources that aid in workforce development. The WFWIB’s goal behind this initiative is to identify the industry’s most critical challenges and develop valuable solutions.

View our Manufacturing Industry Partnership flyer for more information: open PDF

Sign up for the WFWIB’s Manufacturing Industry Partnership Here!

Business-Education Partnership

Read more

The Westmoreland-Fayette Business-Education Partnership (WF-BEP) is the vehicle that connects businesses and education institutions. These connections are meant to align educational resources that will respond to economic and community opportunities. The WF-BEP is a regional leadership comprised of school districts, career and technical centers (CTCs), post-secondary institutions, local businesses, and workforce and economic development organizations that collaborate to align education with workforce development needs.

The WF-BEP provides opportunities for school districts to collaborate with local businesses to educate students and parents/guardians on the high priority occupations (HPOs) and career pathways in the Westmoreland-Fayette workforce area.

Email Executive Director Janet Ward at jward@westfaywib.org to learn how you can get involved in WF-BEP initiatives and activities!

“The Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board continues to offer great programs, and I’m always learning something new. It’s been an asset to our business.”

– Jennifer Ambrose | Office Manager | Liberty Closets System, Inc.

Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board

145 Pavilion Lane,
Youngwood, PA 15697
724.755.2145 | TTY: 724.925.3243

Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board is an equal opportunity employer/program.

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For federal funding information, visit westfaywib.org/resources/.