Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board

Our Mission

Above all, our mission is to lead regional workforce development activities in order to assist individuals in obtaining the skills needed for today’s workforce and to help employers retrain, hire, and retain skilled workers.

Our Staff

Janet Ward
Executive Director


Thomas Whetsel
Chief Financial Officer


Michele Aston
Executive Assistant


Anna Bellan
Compliance Officer II


Ryan Butter
Workforce Development Director


Mel Dean
Youth Services Manager


Kerry Fagan
Contract/Data Coordinator


Christina Fortunato
Accounting Clerk


Melissa Keys
Controller/Equal Opportunity Officer


Vicki Meier
Industry Partnership Specialist


Colin Sherbondy
Programs Assistant


Caitlyn Slezak
Youth Program Specialist


Cali Blair
Grants/Marketing Manager



Our Board

Doug Decker
Board Chairperson

Excutive Vice President, Laurel Staffing Services LLC

James Rugh
Board Vice Chairperson

Human Resource Manager,
Composidie Inc.

Mandy Zalich
Board Treasurer

CEO, Westmoreland Community Action

Lori Albright
Board Secretary

President, Stellar Precision Components

Kristy Bishop
Interim President
Westmoreland County Community College

Kathie Brean
Vice President, Human Resources
Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare

John Dalrymple
Hamill Manufacturing

Charles Datz
President and Founder,
PositReal Consultants

Sarah DeCarlo
Director of Clinical Operations
Cornerstone Care, Inc.

Rennie Detore
First Energy 

Jeffrey Dick
Regional Director,
PA Department of Labor & Industry |Bureau of Workforce Partnership & Operations

Marge Duranko
District Administrator,
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation | PA Department of Labor and Industry

Brian Edmiston
Human Resources Manager,
Carclo Technical Plastics

Laurie English
Sr. VP/CHRO Human Resources,
Excela Health

Kim Hawk
Fayette County Community Action Agency

Julian Imbrescia
Vice President of Academic Affairs,
Douglas Education

Robert Kahl
Labor Management Representative,
International Union of Operating Engineers

John Kline
VP/Senior Regional Business Relationship Manager,
1st Summit Bank

Brian Lawrence
Executive Director,
Westmoreland County Redevelopment Authority and Land Bank

Don Martin
Executive Director,
Intermediate Unit 1

Shujuane Martin 
President and CEO,
Private Industry Council of Westmoreland/Fayette, Inc.

Muriel Nuttall
Executive Director,
Fayette Chamber of Commerce

George Rattay
Union Representative,
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #354

Randy Roadman
Government Relations Director,
General Carbide

Brianne Summy
Human Resource Manager,
Roechling Industrial

Don Travis
Managing Partner,
Ebtech Industrial Modular Building Solutions

Ed Yankovich
Vice President,
International District #2 – United Mine Workers of America

Board Committees

For more information about a specific committee, please click on the icon to the right of the committee name.

Executive Committee

Doug Decker – Chair
Lori Albright
Charlie Datz
Jim Rugh
Mandy Zalich

Finance Committee

Mandy Zalich – Chair
Jeff Dick
Brian Edmiston
Laurie English
Julian Imbrescia
John Kline

Youth Committee

Doug Decker – Chair
Kathie Brean
Kim Hawk
Shujuane Martin
Muriel Nuttall

Customer Service Committee

Jim Rugh – Chair
Sarah DeCarlo
Rennie Detore
Jeff Dick
Marge Duranko
Robert Kahl
Don Martin
Shujuane Martin

Planning Committee
Vacant – Chair
Kristy Bishop
Brian Lawrence
Muriel Nuttall
Brianne Summy
Marketing - Government Relations Committee

Charlie Datz – Chair
Lori Albright
John Dalrymple
George Rattay
Randy Roadman
Ed Yankovich

Westmoreland County County Commissioners

Westmoreland County Courthouse
2 North Main Street, Suite 101
Greensburg, PA 15601

Douglas W. Chew

Sean Kertes

Ted Kopas

Fayette County Commissioners

Fayette County Courthouse
61 East Main Street
Uniontown, PA 15401

Scott Dunn

Dave Lohr

Vincent A. Vicites

PA CareerLink® Westmoreland County at Youngwood

151 Pavilion Lane
Youngwood, PA 15697
Phone number: (724) 755-2330
TTY number: (724) 925-3243

PA CareerLink® Fayette County

119 Commonwealth Drive
Lemont, Furnace, PA 15456
Phone number: (724) 434-5627
TTY number: (724) 434-5761

PA CareerLink® Alle-Kiski

1150 Fifth Avenue, Ste 200
New Kensington, PA 15068
Phone number: (724) 334-8600
TTY number: (724) 334-8713

Employment Opportunities

WIOA Information

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is federal legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system.


Public Workforce System – Hallmarks of Excellence


1. Needs of businesses and workers drive solutions.

2. PA Careerlink® (American Job Center) provides excellent customer service and focuses on continuous improvement.

3. Support strong regional economics and play an active role in community and workforce development.

Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board

145 Pavilion Lane,
Youngwood, PA 15697
724.755.2145 | TTY: 724.925.3243

Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board is an equal opportunity employer/program.

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For federal funding information, visit westfaywib.org/resources/.